1、这是因为英语是意合性语言,而汉语是形合性语言的缘故 由于这点,所以写英语作文最应该注意的就是要让作文在意上表现的紧密 就你所提的问题来看,依据上叙英语语言的特点,写英语四六级作文常以三段式最为常见,即首先谈论别人的观点;the use of inappropriate and often frequent light switch will also affect the service life of lamps, so that lamp failure 6, using the ambient temperature is too high, will also directly affect the service;and even his family #39s furniture worth, but also should not be asked If you ask a lady her age, is very inappropriate, because she thought it was her own secret, and everyone wants to remain forever;Now that the era we are not talking about the need to introduce changes, should learn, but how you learn faster more accurately change, the only constant is change possible but also rapidly \ initiative。
2、Formal social control is, in one word, laws You are prevented from killing, stealing, and other unjust or inappropriate actions because if you commit these crimes, you will suffer formal prosecution and;looktoo miscellaneous, expected too risk, therefore, to all ideas overquot Perhaps, to such idea oversomething original on the Chinese learning programs is indeed inappropriateSo what do we do;Much of the humor in the series stems from Shinchan#39s occasionally weird, unnatural and inappropriate use of language, as well as from his inappropriate behavior Therefore much of this humor is untranslatable。
3、树高千丈,叶落归根读 音shù gāo qiān zhàng,yè luò guī gēn 释 义树长得再高,落叶还是要回到树根比喻离开故土时间再长,最终还是要回归故土出 处平妖传第八回常言道,树高千丈;20 Employees during his tenure, the company believes that its ability to work and so inappropriate, and the dismissal of processing 21 For these companies, such as acceptance of the rules and regulations can;“_官言是,斯可窒异日妄求矣”清王士_池北偶谈·谈异四·黄衣人“如甘贫,可延寿命,慎无妄求”三国语词典非分的要求词语翻译英语inappropriateorpresumptuousdemands德语anma_endeBitteS_;1 Modify and replace those unsuitable photos in the PPT of SFS and UTP2 Preliminary to prepare the files of 2010, including arrangment of the content and main frame structure and conception of the format。
4、1BackgroundInequitable资源配置是一种普遍的probleminmany卫生系统在全球范围内,健康需求多样化和要求重大财务人力和其他资源然而,这些资源限制在许多国家33,从而形成一个分布式进退两难的局面对决策者尽管这个问题带来;outdoor adj 户外的露天的野外的等于outofdoor例If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for you如果你喜欢户外活动,那么这个旅行适合你。