如果你想要更正式一些,quotGood dayquot 或 quotGood morning, extendedquot 也能表达出你对对方一天的祝福虽然时间上不太精确,但它传递出的尊重和礼貌更为重要当然,如果你确定对方还在午休时间,quotLunchtime greetingsquot 如 quotEnjoy your noonquot 或 quotHope you#39re having a delightful middayquot 也是恰到好处的。
n吃饮食v吃吃饭用餐eat的现在分词例句She went without eating for three days 她三天没吃东西例句I am not used to eating so much at lunchtime 我不习惯午饭吃那么多在英语中,动名词是以 ing 结尾的动词形式,用作名词形容词或副词eat 的动名词形式为 eating。
荣泰 英文译文是Rong Tai 双语例句Outside the gates of Rong Tai Steel, at lunchtime, workers from the newly reopened mills crouch on low plastic stools to gulp lunch from makeshif troadside street vendors selling steaming bowls of noodles, happy to have their jobs back午饭时分。
百万美元的声音是人们对这个甜美女孩的赞美女孩的名字叫康妮托尔伯特她参加了节目,因为她想唱给她生病的奶奶听人们感受到了她强烈的感情,记住了这可爱的女孩康妮美妙的声音征服了人们,虽然她没有赢得这场比赛,他们都知道了她Now Connie is almost 15 years old, she lives the life just li。
午餐时间 爸爸妈妈说WOW! What a nice day!哇!今天天气真 理解了句子的意思之后可以自由发挥,比如这个绘本中小姑娘的话。
Happy Birthday!公交车上的孩子们说聚会时间到啦!生日快乐! On a cold and frosty lunchtime在一个寒冷下霜的中午,我们这样。
此句的意思是想知道他爸爸什么样子A 寻找 B 看 C 像外貌 Can you buy things in the shops at lunch time?A No They close for。
for a happy school are welcomeLunchtime 1130 ~ 1200 Dof表示时间,意思为“在的, 在之前 在期间 on the。
and it flew飞啊and it flew飞啊and it flew飞啊By lunchtime,Bobby and MsKirby were happy they had bumped into each other不知不觉到。
and happy every day课堂导学学习任务一完成活动2a1 4do,lunch,time,she,what, have____________________________。
午餐时间虽然说一天只有一小时,但日积月累的话却也有相当长一段时间,午餐时间其实也是可以积极安排及灵活运用的 午餐时间。