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用whathashappened造句(用what happened to sb造句)


12句子用作主语如”How do you do ?” is a greeting“你好”是一句问候语 二谓语 谓语predicate 或谓语动词predicate verb 的位置一般在主语之后谓语由简单动词或动词短语助动词或情态动词+主要动词构成 1由简单的动词构成 1 What happened? 发生了什么事? 2 He worked;I can#39t imagine what has happened我无法想象发生了什么I solved the difficulties我解决了困难It#39s normal to find such a good job找到这么好的工作是很正常的Because of this race, we have lots of training我们因为这次比赛做了大量的训练Thank you for your kindness感谢你的。

一天,楚厉王通告老百姓假如国家发生急事,就以击鼓为信号,老百姓一听到鼓声响,就必须立刻到宫门外集合3She told the assembled company what had happened她把发生的事告诉了聚会的人4Everyone was assembled at the appointed time全体人员均按规定时间召集到场5The party attempted;9I#39m not sure what happened to our plans我不确定我们的计划发生了什么变故10I knew something like this would happen 我早就知道这样的事情会发生11Despite our best efforts, nothing happened as we expected尽管我们已经尽力了,但却和我们预期的不同12What w。

用whathashappened造句(用what happened to sb造句)

1 想像W+wh+that+vingO4I can#39t imagine what has happened我想像不出发生了什么事You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty你可以想像他们发现房间里空无一人时那吃惊的样子2 臆断+that3 猜想,料想WY+thatI imagine you;1 What has happened to you?你出了什么事儿啦?2 An idea suddenly struck me我突然想到一个主意3 A strange peace came over her when she was alone她独处时感到一种特别的安定英汉两种语言都有被动和主动两种语态,但一般来说,英语比汉语更喜欢用被动语态这与英语的物称倾向有关联充任主语。

illmannered mugs托尼因扮不礼貌的鬼脸挨了骂 She is sympathetic over what has happened她对已发生的事抱有同情心 He is fertile of imagination他想像力很丰富He is honest to the backbone他是绝对诚实的有几个查不到#39可以吗?如果要谢我,就帮我踩踩空间吧!053 谢啦。

用what happened to sb造句

1、imagine的用法,这个经常考意思想象,猜想,推测,认为,相信 1例子You can imagine the situation there你可以想象那里的情况2imagine引导从句He imagines that people don#39t believe him他总是认为人们不信任他I can#39t imagine what has happened我想像不出发生了什么事3。

2、1 In no way am I responsible for what has happened我决不对发生的事情负责2 She was in no way to blame决不应该责备她3 I am in no way to blame我一点也没错4 You can in no way surrender你绝不能投降in no case 在任何场合都不等于“not in any c。

3、不能说“某事物发生什么什么”而得说成“什么什么发生在某地”“什么什么发生在某人身上”等等于是,这两个句子说成英语是这样的Great changes have taken place in our country since the reform and opening policy was carried outHe has not turned up yet What has happened to him。

4、Without books, we will not know what happened on the Earth thousands of years ago Thanks to books, we have a clear history of things that have happened in our country, as well as in other countries in the world By studying history, we learn from the mistakes our ancestors have made。

5、根据英语语法和表述,该两句话可如此翻译,译文如下你怎么了What#39s the matterwrong with you?我感冒了I havecatch a cold。

6、A What has happened here?B The farmers have cut them downA There were a lot of fish when I visited the lake three years agoB But now the fish has goneA What has happened here?B The factory has polluted the lake water ecosystem不懂问我,希望对您有帮助。


imagine的用法,这个经常考意思想象, 猜想, 推测, 认为, 相信 1例子You can imagine the situation there你可以想象那里的情况2imagine引导从句He imagines that people don#39t believe him他总是认为人们不信任他I can#39t imagine what has happened我想像不出发生了什么事。

1A car accident happened to her this happened to you?3What happened to Helen at night?4I’m very sorry for all happened to you 5There happen to be no money with me。





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